• Hyperviscosity This condition of "thick blood" is characterized by bleeding from the nose or gums, blurred vision, dizziness, shortness of breath or mental confusion. It can be treated effectively with plasmapheresis . • Muscle Weakness People with multiple myeloma may develop weakness or paralysis of their legs and have difficulty urinating or controlling their bowels. If this happens, a myeloma tumor pressing on the spinal cord is a possibility and can be diagnosed with a CT or MRI scan or myelography. The tumor can be treated effectively with radiation therapy . • Emotional Support Anyone with multiple myeloma needs substantial and continuing emotional support. The approach must be positive, emphasizing the potential benefits of therapy. It is reassuring to know that some patients survive for 10 years or more. It is vital that the physician caring for patients with multiple myeloma has the interest and capacity to deal with an incurable disease over a span of years with assurance, sympathy and resourcefulness and that patients can sense the doctor's confidence.